Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Tulketh Road Mill

The factory was built in 1905 during Preston’s last boom years as a mill town. Preston’s biggest mills were built during this time, another significant building being Horrocks’s mill on New Hall Lane.

Tulketh was one of Lancashire’s biggest spinning mills at the time. In those days the mill was surrounded by fields. The opening of such a huge mill was a sign of optimism at the time, but it in fact heralded the beginning of end of Preston as a mill town

Working Conditions
In those days, male and female employees at Tulketh Mill usually had different jobs. Work in the cotton room, the blowing room and operating the carding machinery was generally done by men. This was mainly because this work was physical, dirty and sometimes dangerous. Men also did the mule spinning, which was hot, dirty and humid.

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